Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019


6 Ways to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic -  One of the big problems that bloggers face is that many blog posts aren't included on the main pages of blog searches such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. So that the number or traffic of blog visitors does not increase. 

This article is only to share experiences for fellow bloggers who are increasing the amount or Blog Visitor Traffic. It's easy to read How to Increase the amount or Traffic of Blog Visitors, And you bloggers have the inspiration to make more effective blog as a vehicle to look for additional income.

6 Ways to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic

Based on experience, one of our motivations is to increase the number or Traffic of Blog Visitors due to the income from blogs that we create or manage.  

This income can be obtained from advertising services, such as Google Adsense, PopCash, Media.net, Revenuehits, PropellerAds, Adhexa, Qadabra, and others. 

But it must be remembered that advertising service providers will also only have to put up advertisements or work with blogs that have a lot of Blog Visitor Traffic. 

So increasing the Blog Visitor Traffic should take precedence over raising the blog mеlаluі.

Blogger friends, before giving a lot of tricks on how to increase the number or traffic of blog visitors, I need to remind you that you have to practice, persevere and work hard. 

Rarely there are blogs that are created today within a month or two of rank or rank directly becomes the best or directly dominates the first page of the search engine Google, Bing or Yahoo.

The first year runs http://seribudollars.blogspot.com / has not experienced a satisfactory increase in Blog Visitor Traffic. 

Known by the Google search engine, only typing the address of the blog directly, the title of the post or keyword that is inputted has not been found before the post or keyword that came from the blog itself. Time continues to run and various experiments are also carried out while filling spare time.

Some of the results of experiments about How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic I try to make the page http://seribudollars.blogspot.com / there are a number of conclusions that are common to the practical way to increase visitor traffic.

Here is How to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors experiment results on the page http://seribudollars.blogspot.com /.

1. How to Increase the amount or Traffic of Blog Visitors using the SEO Friendly Blog Template.

The SEO Friendly Blog theme is a template or design that is light or fast (fast loading), simple, clean, and responsive or mobile-friendly. SEO Friendly Blog Templates are simple and Fast Loading Blogger Templates. 

Super 100% SEO Friendly, User Friendly & Mobile Friendy Templates. There are many SEO Friendly Blog Templates from which are paid for free, if you use, you just choose

2. How to Increase the amount or Traffic of Blog Visitors by making interesting posts, 

the best possible post and post that information is much sought after by people, not weathered over time and made by yourself not copy paste. Some experiences adjust the info, news, articles that will be posted with the theme of our blog, interests and background behind us.

Original posts made by ourselves that the information is needed by many people or our visitors and will not be consistent or obsolete over time, even though the number of visitors per day will not be many, but will consistently get visits every day. 

So the more original posts for us that the information is needed and not outdated or weathered over time, will further increase Blog Traffic

3. How to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors by increasing the number of backlinks and pagerank. 

There are various ways to get backlinks. From commenting on the blog by leaving the blog address or by submitting our blog url and psoting url. 

There is a stated backlink can not be obtained with a blog comment. That's the wrong thing, my experiment proves that by giving comments on blogs and increasing the blog url will increase backlinks. 

Remember Backlinks and PageRank are not the only Ways to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic. As with high backlinks and pagerank, there is no increase in Blog Visitor Traffic. 

Especially pagerank, you should not lie to yourself by making fake pagerank. Let the system look for your blog's page rank. One way to find out your blog PageRank is by submitting your url to https://www.ranksignals.com/

My message, If you will give a comment on the blog and leave the blog url. Do not use Active Links, because only active links are not read by the Google search engine, bing and others. 

Write only the url address of our blog or post in full, even though the url will not be copied because the blog or website is protected, but the url address will be read by the Google search engine, bing and the like.

For blogs that were first made to get backlinks, I would also use submit Urls, ping urls, Check Site Prices, Social Bookmarking and others. More than that various Url through social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, WA, BBM and others will also increase the number of backlinks and simultaneously increase Blog Visitor Traffic

4. How to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors by avoiding writing is hoax, features or anything that complicates blog visitors. 

Related features or things that make it difficult for visitors to the blog between ads that close the page, the page clicks the ads appear, convoluted download features, download features that are invisible (hidden). 

Experience shows that when people access the blog, advertisements appear and others immediately close the blog and search for other blogs. 

By the way, because of many features that make it difficult for blog visitors, many visitors who switch to other blogs or websites.

5. How to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors by optimizing information and writing keywords on our blog template. 

Many blogs that are not known by the Google search engine because the information and keywords on the template are not filled in correctly. Fill in the meta content name description and meta content name keywords correctly.

6. How to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors by submitting a blog Url or posting directly to the Webmaster. 

There are at least two webmasters who are required to recognize bloggers Google Webmasters and Bing Webmasters. For Yahoo there is no need, because Yahoo takes an index from Bing Webmasters.

As stated in the Google support page, if your blog or website is found on the web. Google Webmasters will help you. Monitor your site's search performance in Google Search Console and explore for other webmaster resources. 

So, in the Bing and Yahoo support pages, Bing Webmaster stated that public tools are easy to use to help you do more with your site. Both Webmasters pages help bloggers to make their posts known by the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines.

Bаgаіmаnа How To Contribute Url Blogs and Blog Posts to Google Webmasters or Add Google Url? Read it

Bаgаіmаnа How To Contribute Url Blog and Blog Posting to Bing Webmasters or Add Bing and Yahoo Url? Read it

Friend bloggers, the conclusion of this short article, here are 6 Ways to Increase the Number or Traffic of Blog Visitors, you:

1. How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by using SEO Friendly Blog Templates.

2. How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by making original posts instead of copy paste and interesting to read

3. How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by increasing the number of backlinks and pagerank. 

4. Ways to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by avoiding writing that is hoax, features or anything that complicates blog visitors.

5. How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by optimizing information and writing keywords on our blog template.

6. How to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic by submitting a blog Url or posting directly to the Webmaster.

Friend bloggers, there are many other ways to increase Blog Visitor Traffic. However, if 6 Ways to Increase Blog Visitor Traffic is already done certainly ascertained Blog Visitor Traffic will increase.

For those of you who get the latest info about Blogger Tutorials and others. After all, fill in the search box under this by typing or input keywords such as Tutorials and others, then select search.

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